Every season has a flavor and we Indians are fortunate enough to enjoy four seasons namely spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Seasonal decoration adds charm to your home by giving it a new fresh look. 

This is the time to show your creativity and come up with innovative ideas. It's all about experimenting with different colors, fabrics, furnishings etc and your room gets a season perfect look. Light colors for summers and warm bright colors for winters look fabulous.

For summer decorating, you can check out some cool motifs in bed sheets. Floral prints can be a great choice. Look out for lighter shades like baby pink, sea green and ocean blue. Neutral shades can also be tried. Experiment with bed sheets, pillow covers etc. give the greenhouse effect to your house by placing money plants at different spots and try out a cool light shade. Monochromatic color scheme with everything matching matching can add that dazzling effect.

Try fixing up to a single theme of background color. Silk and cotton fabric is just apt for that soft, mushy feel. Clear crystal vases look fantastic at the corners of your living room.

For winter home d�cor, the best deal is to play with some nice bright colors in heavy fabric that bring warmth and coziness. Wooden articles at the corners, beautiful lampshades and lots of cushions will embellish the beauty of your living room. Brass items and the pottery containers will look simply awesome. For dining room, try out some antique flower vases.

Jute tablemats can give a refreshing look. Replace your floral print crockery with holiday designs. Leave the monochromatic color scheme in winters and try out the multicolored theme with lots of bright rainbow colors. Give your home a new look this season giving a practical shape to your creativity.


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