While building our houses we try to make our homes as problem free as we can. Inspite of all the care and precautions there are a number of problems that crop up every now and then. These problems can be easily dealt with to make your home comfortable once again.
Fix Inflated Energy Bills
Energy bills are greater than you expected. If the price of electricity, gas and oil have not increased and the amount that you consume has not changed, then there is a problem. The reason could be faulty windows, faulty equipment or faulty duct insulation. Here are a few tips on how to locate the problem and fix it:
Fix Inflated Energy Bills
Energy bills are greater than you expected. If the price of electricity, gas and oil have not increased and the amount that you consume has not changed, then there is a problem. The reason could be faulty windows, faulty equipment or faulty duct insulation. Here are a few tips on how to locate the problem and fix it:
- Engage an energy specialist to do an evaluation of your energy use at home.
- He will scientifically diagnose the problem and suggest improvements.
- Seal air leaks, inspect insulation and add where necessary, seal duct air leaks.
- While replacing faulty equipment use good quality appliances.
- Install a thermostat to save energy while you are not at work.
Dust Control
Dust is small particles that hang in the air and settle on different things in your house. If your house is becoming very dusty, then you should consider changing the house furnace, air conditioner filter or bag of the vacuum cleaner. Dust can enter your house through open doors, windows, vents etc. Given below are tips to find the problem and control it:
Dust is small particles that hang in the air and settle on different things in your house. If your house is becoming very dusty, then you should consider changing the house furnace, air conditioner filter or bag of the vacuum cleaner. Dust can enter your house through open doors, windows, vents etc. Given below are tips to find the problem and control it:
- Clean furnace and air conditioner filters once a month.
- Vent ducts should be inspected and cleaned annually and those that are damaged should be replaced.
- Leaving dusty shoe at the door will prevent dust from circulating through the house.
- Sealing air seepages from around windows and door will reduce the amount of dust that enters your house.
- Air ducts should be checked and those with leaks should be sealed. Inspect the return duct carefully as an air leak can allow dust to circulate throughout the house.
House Moisture Problem
Water condensing on the inner surface of windows that prevents clear viewing. This can be the result of insufficient ventilation or inadequate number of windows in the room. If the rate of condensation is high there can be pools of water on windowsills. If this problem is not controlled it can cause mold and mildew that can rot windows and sills. Tips for prevention of condensation of water:
Water condensing on the inner surface of windows that prevents clear viewing. This can be the result of insufficient ventilation or inadequate number of windows in the room. If the rate of condensation is high there can be pools of water on windowsills. If this problem is not controlled it can cause mold and mildew that can rot windows and sills. Tips for prevention of condensation of water:
- Lower humidity levels in your house.
- Use exhaust fans in the kitchen and baths to reduce humidity.
- The vent of the clothes dryer should be connected outside. Vent should be tightly fixed to the dryer.
- Install storm windows.
- If there is a humidifier installed in your house inspect it frequently to ensure that it is functioning properly.
Roof Ice Dams
This normally happens after a few days of heavy snowfall. As a result of the snowfall, snow collects on the roof of your house. The warm air inside your house and under the roof will melt the snow on the roof. The melted water will flow along the roof, below the snow, till it meets the cold overhang. The overhang and the temperature outside are the same. So the melted water freezes again forming icicles and an ice dam. This can cause structural damage to the roof that can cause the roof to leak inside. Usaually there is a water spot on the ceiling right under the place where the roof has been damaged. Tips of what to do:
This normally happens after a few days of heavy snowfall. As a result of the snowfall, snow collects on the roof of your house. The warm air inside your house and under the roof will melt the snow on the roof. The melted water will flow along the roof, below the snow, till it meets the cold overhang. The overhang and the temperature outside are the same. So the melted water freezes again forming icicles and an ice dam. This can cause structural damage to the roof that can cause the roof to leak inside. Usaually there is a water spot on the ceiling right under the place where the roof has been damaged. Tips of what to do:
- Do not try to get on the roof and fix it yourself, as it can be dangerous.
- Get a professional to fix your roof leak.
- Plug air leaks in the attic to prevent warm air leakage.
- Add more insulation to the attic.
- Provide the attic with adequate ventilation so that the air below the roof and outside has the same temperature.
- Inspect attic insulation to ensure that it is not blocking ventilation.
- Before it begins to snow clean the roof of all debris especially gutters. Clean gutter will prevent the formation of ice dams.
Prevent Peeling Paint
Paint peeling from the exterior walls of the house is symptomatic of a humidity problem or improper application of paint. This is a result of moisture being absorbed by the wood behind the siding and being passed on to the exterior fa�ade below the paint. Thus the paint loses its bonding power and start pealing. The outer surface should have a vent to allow dampness from behind the siding to escape. Tips to prevent paint from pealing:
Paint peeling from the exterior walls of the house is symptomatic of a humidity problem or improper application of paint. This is a result of moisture being absorbed by the wood behind the siding and being passed on to the exterior fa�ade below the paint. Thus the paint loses its bonding power and start pealing. The outer surface should have a vent to allow dampness from behind the siding to escape. Tips to prevent paint from pealing:
- Hire contractor to seal leaks in the wall to prevent moisture from entering your house.
- Apply primer of exterior surface before painting the exterior.
- Control moisture related problems.
Prevent Dry Air
Lowering of humidity levels in the house cause dry air. This is a result of warm air escaping through air leaks and dry cold air replacing it. This causes the throat and skin to become dry. Balanced humidity levels inside the house reduce energy bills, as you feel warmer at a lower temperature. Tips to prevent dry air:
Lowering of humidity levels in the house cause dry air. This is a result of warm air escaping through air leaks and dry cold air replacing it. This causes the throat and skin to become dry. Balanced humidity levels inside the house reduce energy bills, as you feel warmer at a lower temperature. Tips to prevent dry air:
- Hire a heating cooling contractor to inspect the heating and cooling system in your house and ensure that it is working efficiently.
- The contractor should check the ducts for air leaks and if present should plug them.
- Seal all air leaks to prevent dry cold air from entering the house.
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