Decorating is essential to bring out the holiday feeling. Without decorations Halloween and Christmas would not be the same. But decorating is not an easy task and not the only task that has to be done during the holidays. One has to shop, send cards, cook a special meal, bake and decorate. When you have to do all these things by yourself it is hectic and you can get stressed out very easily. Here are a few tips to make holiday decoration simple and hassle free.
- Remember that less is more and keep your decorating simple.
- Plan and prepare for the holidays a little ahead of time. When you see seasonal or holiday displays going up in the stores, start planning your entire holiday.
- While you plan your decoration for Christmas, be realistic about how much decorating you can do and how much is really required.
- Plan your entire holiday. Organize yourself. Keep a notebook where you can note down everything that you have to do from shopping, to mailing to decorating. Keep it handy at all times as you never know when you will need it.
- Make a list of the things that you can do at the same time. For example you can clean the house or do part of your decorating while baking cookies for the holiday season.
- � Get help from family and friends to do various chores around the house. If necessary get professional help.
- You do not have to make everything yourself. Make whatever decorations you can, cook whatever food you can and buy the rest. This will not only save time but you will feel less stressed out. Just remember to plan well in advance what you will buy and what you willmake at home.
- You will need extra help to clean the house for the holiday season. You could even hire someone from a cleaning service for a day to clean your house thoroughly. The expense can be overlooked during the holiday season.
- Shopping can be very time consuming and exhausting. Try shopping through the Internet or place catalog orders. This way you will save time and energy.
- Another idea as far as shopping is concerned, shop during end of season sales. Stock up during these sales for the holiday season. Make a list of things that you have bought during these sales so that you do not overbuy.
- Every time you seem to be overwhelmed, by the number of things that you have to do, during the holiday season, take a break and remember that the holidays are a time to celebrate with your loved ones. Therefore try to enjoy everything that you are doing and do not let stress get the better of you.
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