The final result of painting your house depends on careful preparation. Most of your work must be done at the very beginning itself. Knowing how to select the right tools for the job, using the correct technique to paint and using the right strokes to paint all help in producing the right finish. 

Here are a few tips and tricks to get the perfect finish while painting 
your house.

Buy the complete paint padThe plastic packaging of the kits is used as the paint tray and as an airtight lid.
  1. Hold your tool properly. Put an empty tray on your hand with the right side up. Stick tape down one side of the tray, bring it lightly behind your palm and up to the other side of the tray. This will ensure that the tray stays in place while you are working.
  2. Use your preferred hand to use the painting tool. Hold the tool firmly and paint exactly in front of you at eye level. You will be able to see clearly what you are doing and have good control on the tool as well.
  3. Even while using painting pads with tracking wheel, tape off the wall or ceiling trim. As what happens often is, when you apply paint on to the pad, some of the paint may get on to the wheels and leave marks on the trim.
  4. Reload pad and often regularly this will prevent the pad from drying.
  5. Apply and spread paint on long strokes, this will give you control and reduce fatigue of muscles.
  6. When you take a break from painting, store the pad inside the tray and shut the lid to prevent the paint from drying.
  7. To evenly load paint on the paint pad pour only about 1/4th inch of paint on the tray. This will ensure that there is no overloading of paint or sinking of the pad into the paint or spilling of excess paint.
  8. Wriggle the pad to get the paint on to the bristles and foam. This movement will not only load the paint but lock it in as well.
  9. Gently move the pad across the edge of the tray to remove extra paint. Do not apply too much pressure as this might remove almost all the paint.
  10. Put the full pad on the surface firmly and move in one direction to deliver paint from the to the surface. The next stroke should be on the same area in the opposite direction to fix the paint and remove bristle marks. Paint briskly, working from bottom to top and from one side to the other.


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